New Beginnings

The last couple of weeks have been hectic, i have been in hospital and our little princess starting crawling and definetly talking a lot more.

 Being in hospital and being a mother is very difficult cause most wards dont allow your little ones to visit you and your heart aches to see them.

 It also takes a lot of strain on Hubby as he has to do everything on his own and then of course us women expect him to come visit. Maybe this happens so that our hubbies can see what we as mothers go through.

It explains and shows them the hard way of how much we as mothers do on a daily basis, never mind the fact that i am starting my own business.

 Anyways it was Sunday the 2nd December, the day we were going to celebrate Brooklyn's 1st birthday and also dedicate her to the lord and all was well, until i suddenly fell to the floor and had a serious seizure, which i cant even remember.

 My husband and Brother in law rushed me to the hospital where i lay in casualty for a while having several tests done before i was admitted to the surgical ward and then moved to a more casual ward. Turns out all this time i have suffering from severe depression and potentially Epilepsy, which hit me as such a shock which it shouldnt have since it does run in the family, but the Drs have put me on medication and now i am home with my hubby abd baby girl.... Phew what a relief!! We are gearing down to the last few weeks of the month

                 Well to you and your families Have a wonderful, Blessed Festive season


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